Pokemon TCG 25th Anniversary Set: Celebrations
The 25th Anniversary set named Celebrations has been revealed by the Pokémon Company International. Celebrations will celebrate 25 years of Pokémon and release special commemorating products alongside it. Remakes of Classic Pokémon TCG Cards are coming too.
This set will most likely be based off the Japanese upcoming set S8a 25th Anniversary Collection.
Celebrations will include a special subset of 25 cards called 'Classic Collections' that are close remakes of for example Base Set Charizard, Umbreon Gold Star and Tapu Lele GX.

Pokemon TCG Celebrations Booster Pack
Celebrations booster packs will not be sold separately, so look for them in special collections.
The set includes:
4 Pokémon V and 2 Pokémon VMAX
25 classic Pokémon TCG cards
More than 45 cards
Celebrations will release on October 8, 2021.

So far the confirmed promo cards are that are either close remakes or combined remakes with newer Pokémon with combined past game mechanics coming in products:
Mimikyu δ (Delta Species), Light Toxtricity, Hydreigon C, Base Set Pikachu, Base Set Charizard, Greninja ☆ (Gold Star), Zacian LV.X, Lance’s Charizard V, Dark Sylveon V and Dragapult Prime.
Cards that are mentioned in the set description and might appear in Celebrations:
Mew, Ho-Oh, Zamazenta, Base Set Charizard, Umbreon ☆ (Gold Star), Tapu Lele-GX, Flying Pikachu and Surfing Pikachu.
This set should be standard legal. In the Japanese set S8a 25th Anniversary Collection, there will be a 28-card set that are “Emblematic Pokémon from each block’s first set, with conceptual artworks calling back to their respective eras’ atmosphere. All cards in this set are holographic.”.
There is also a promotion pack in Japan that can be obtained in a promotion campaign during the launch of S8a 25th Anniversary Collection.
Cards from the past are making a comeback in these packs. These cards included in the promo packs are not legal in the Standard format.
So based from the information we have for the Japanese set, we think the 25-card special subset in Celebrations is not legal to play, but the main set is standard legal to play in Celebrations.
The Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Premium Figure Collection—Pikachu VMAX mentions a Pikachu VMAX promo. This promo could be from the 2020 Pika Pika! Pikachu! Promo Card Campaign. released during the S4 Astonishing Volt Tackle which Vivid Voltage is based off.
Here's what we know so from The Pokemon Company International:
- In celebration of 25 years of Pokémon, The Pokémon Company International will be releasing the Celebrations collection for the best-selling Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG).
- With nine different products in the expansion, Celebrations will showcase beloved characters from the Pokémon franchise, as well as popular card artwork and gameplay mechanics spanning the history of the Pokémon TCG.
- Each Celebrations booster pack will contain four uniquely designed cards—all with foil treatments and a 25th anniversary logo—that feature characters from all regions of the Pokémon universe, from Pikachu to Zamazenta plus familiar faces like Professor Oak.
- In addition, Celebrations will introduce a special subset of 25 cards that are close remakes of iconic cards from the history of the Pokémon TCG, including Base Set Charizard, Umbreon ☆, and Tapu Lele-GX.
- Many Celebrations products include promo cards that combine recently discovered Pokémon with popular game mechanics from previous Pokémon TCG sets, such as Light Pokémon, Delta Species (δ) Pokémon, and Pokémon Star.
“The Pokémon Trading Card Game has always been an iconic pillar of the Pokémon brand, and it’s been a joy to see the community continue to grow while bonding with family and friends over a common love of the Pokémon TCG,” said Barry Sams, vice president of the Pokémon Trading Card Game at The Pokémon Company International. “We look forward to commemorating this milestone with a new collection of products that Trainers of all types and ages will enjoy as they celebrate 25 years of Pokémon.”
Each Celebrations booster pack will contain four uniquely designed cards—all with foil treatments and a 25th anniversary logo—that feature characters from all regions of the Pokémon universe, from Pikachu to Zamazenta plus familiar faces like Professor Oak. In addition, Celebrations will introduce a special subset of 25 cards that are close remakes of iconic cards from the history of the Pokémon TCG, including Base Set Charizard, Umbreon ☆, and Tapu Lele-GX.
Pokemon TCG Celebrations Set Description:
Celebrate some of Pokémon's greatest moments over 25 years of adventure, discovery, and friendship! The Celebrations expansion offers plenty to be excited about, including an opportunity to stroll down memory lane with classic Pokémon TCG cards. Add a joyous parade of Legendary, Mythical, and other beloved Pokémon to your collection, including Mew, Ho-Oh, Zamazenta, Flying Pikachu, and Surfing Pikachu. Join the party with the Pokémon TCG: Celebrations expansion!
Products we know about so far for Celebrations:
- Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Collection—Dragapult Prime (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Collections—Lance’s Charizard V and Dark Sylveon V (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Deluxe Pin Collection (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Elite Trainer Box (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Mini Tins (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Special Collection—Pikachu V-UNION (available on Oct. 8, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Premium Figure Collection—Pikachu VMAX (available on Oct. 22, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Ultra-Premium Collection (available on Oct. 22, 2021)
- Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Collector Chest (available in October 2021)
Pokemon TCG Celebrations Product First Look
Brazilian Product images revealing the promo cards of Dragapult Prime, Zacian LV.X, Light Toxtricity, Mimikyu δ (Delta Species) and Hydreigon C.

Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Collection—Dragapult Prime

Product Contents: One foil promo card and one foil oversize card featuring Dragapult Prime,
two Celebrations four-card booster packs, one additional Pokémon TCG booster pack, a fourpocket binder to hold your cards, and one anniversary-themed coin
Release Date: Oct. 8, 2021
Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Collections—Lance’s Charizard V and Dark Sylveon V

Product Contents: One foil promo card and one foil oversize card featuring Lance’s Charizard V or Dark Sylveon V, four Celebrations four-card booster packs, and two additional Pokémon TCG booster packs
Release Date: Oct. 8, 2021
Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Deluxe Pin Collection

Product Contents: One foil promo card featuring Zacian LV.X, an enamel pin featuring Flying
and Surfing Pikachu, four Celebrations four-card booster packs, and two additional Pokémon
TCG booster packs
Release Date: Oct. 8, 2021
Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Elite Trainer Box

Product Contents: 10 Celebrations four-card booster packs, five additional Pokémon TCG
booster packs, one special foil card featuring Greninja ☆, 65 anniversary-themed card
sleeves, 45 Energy cards, a player’s guide to the Celebrations expansion, a Pokémon TCG
rulebook, six damage-counter dice, one competition-legal coin-flip die, and two acrylic
condition markers
Release Date: Oct. 8, 2021
Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Pokémon Center Elite Trainer Box

The contents of this item are still unknown, but we can guarantee it will be hard to get your hands on!
Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Mini Tins
Product Contents: Two Celebrations four-card booster packs, one additional Pokémon TCG
booster pack, one anniversary-themed coin, and one Pokémon art card showing the art from
the Mini Tin (collect and combine all eight versions)
Release Date: Oct. 8, 2021
Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Special Collection—Pikachu V-UNION

Product Contents: Four foil promo cards that make up a single Pikachu V-UNION, one
oversize card featuring Pikachu V-UNION, one Supporter card featuring Professor Burnet,
four Celebrations four-card boosters, and two additional Pokémon TCG boosters
Release Date: Oct. 8, 2021
Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Premium Figure Collection—Pikachu VMAX

Product Contents: One etched foil promo card featuring Pikachu VMAX, one foil promo card
featuring Pikachu V, a supersize figure of Gigantamax Pikachu, eight Celebrations four-card
booster packs, and three additional Pokémon TCG booster packs
Release Date: Oct. 22, 2021
Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Ultra-Premium Collection

Product Contents: Two commemorative metal cards featuring Base Set Pikachu and Base
Set Charizard, one special gold version of Pikachu V, one special gold version of Poké Ball, a
Charizard and Pikachu enamel pin, one anniversary-themed metal coin, 17 Celebrations fourcard booster packs, eight additional Pokémon TCG booster packs, and player’s guide
Release Date: Oct. 22, 2021
Pokémon TCG: Celebrations Collector Chest

Product Contents: Six Celebrations four-card booster packs, two additional Pokémon TCG
booster packs, three foil promo cards featuring Mimikyu δ (Delta Species), Light Toxtricity,
and Hydreigon C; four colorful sticker sheets, a mini portfolio to store cards, a Pokémon coin,
and a Pokémon notepad
Release Date: October 2021