[Recent Change Log]
1) !catch System is no long 100% !catch for the first user, now with % Probability. (LIVE for Testing: 75% Probability)
2) Fixed Updating Twitch UserList.
[Last Change Log]
1) !catch System is now with % Probability. (LIVE for Testing: 75% Probability)
2) Pokemon Market will refresh for new Pokemons once in every 24 hours.
3) Updates Twitch UserList in every 5 mins.
4) Changed Twitch's Whisper Chat Channels.
5) If the bot is on the Twitch Partner's stream, the username will get award with some treats for resubbing for X times (100 treats per resubbing) in a row.
6) Added new commands: !loyalty !follower !followers !stats
[Past Change Logs]
1) Now you can give a nickname to your Pokemon with !nickname [your_pokemon_slot_number] [a_new_nickname] (!nickname 1 Mew). The nickname has 10 characters limit.
2) Pokemon Market Module is enabled.
3) Now you can buy Pokemon from Pokemon Market, see !check market
4) Changed !buy command behavior.
5) !buy command updated --> !buy pokemon/item pokemon_market_position/item_number
6) Pokemon Bot is now connected to Twitch's AWS Chat Server Group Cluster.
7) Fixed /w behavior as previously broken due to Twitch switched their Chat Server Group Cluster.
8) Pokemon Slots are now expanded to 10 (experimental) instead of 6.
9) You should be getting Pokemon on the Slot: 1-6 (first), then 8-10 (second), then will occupy 7th slot.
10) All Pokemons restricted to Max Level of 100 even though you still can use Rare Candy for it since it's already Level 100.
!catch -- Catch a Wild Pokemon (Now With 75% Chance of Success Probability) but you need to wait for Wild Pokemon to appear first in order to !catch or use !tallgrass (amount) if you have enough !mytreats.
!tallgrass [amount] (!tallgrass 5) -- You need "treats" to hunt for Pokemon. The more treats you bait, the rare the Pokemon appeared. The minimum amount will be '5'. (Cooldown Command)
!mytreats -- To check your treats amount. Alternative, you can use ' /w [botname] !ranking treats ' function.
!party -- Check your Pokemons (Only 6 --> 10 Pokemon Slots).
!party [username] (!party yourpokenerds) -- To check other user's Pokemon.
!party [party_position] (!party 1) -- To check your Pokemon's (Slot 1-6 --> 1-10) breed stats.
!nickname [party_position] [a_new_nickname] -- To give your Pokemon a nickname of your Selected Pokemon Slot.
!release [party_position_number_to_be_released] [your_username] -- Specify your username to release/abandon your Pokemon's Party Position to the Wild.
!battle [party_position] [username] (!battle 1 pokenerds) -- To battle your Pokemon's Party Position with Someone's (random) Pokemon. You will need to wait for 3 mins (AutoHeal your Pokemon) to have next battle.
!trade [party_position] [desired pokemon] [desired level] (!trade 1 Bulbasaur 5) -- Request for a Trade of your current Pokemon's Party Position for a Desire Pokemon + Level which you want.
!redeem [party_position_to_trade] [username_to_trade] [party_position_to_redeem_from_user] (!redeem 2 yourpokenerds 6) -- To redeem (accept) the trade process from the requester's Pokemon with your Pokemon's Party Position.
!evolve [party_position_to_evolve] (!evolve 1) -- To evolve your Pokemon (i.e. Party 1) if it's eligible.
!leaderboard -- To view the Leaderboard.
!stats -- To view your Wins & Losses stats.
!ranking (username) -- To view treats ranking of your/other user's treats amount.
!uptime -- To check the current streamer's stream uptime.
!loyalty (username) -- To check how much is username's loyalty (in the user's lurking in various Pokemon stream chats) compared to the current stream channel.
!follower (username) -- To check if the username follows the streamer.
!followers -- To check 5 most recent followers from the stream.
!check [trades/market/shop/inventory/username] (!check inventory) -- Check for your trades, items and inventory or even you/another user.
!check trades -- Check all available trades.
!check market -- Check what's Pokemon is up for purchase in the market. Pokemons will change in every 24hrs.
!check shop -- Check Shop Items Pricing.
!check inventory -- Check your inventory.
!check username -- Check the username's trades.
Market: !buy pokemon [pokemon_market_position] (!buy pokemon 1) -- Buy Pokemon from Pokemon Market (i.e. Slot 1) with your treats. Example purchase for a Pokemon from Pokemon Market.
*Note: Perform ' !check market ' before you !buy a Pokemon from Pokemon Market.
Shop: !buy item [item_id] (!buy item 11) -- Buy item from Pokemon Shop with your treats. Example purchase for a Rare Candy from Pokemon Shop.
| id | name | value |
| 1 | Fire Stone | 750 |
| 2 | Water Stone | 750 |
| 3 | Thunder Stone | 750 |
| 4 | Leaf Stone | 750 |
| 5 | Moon Stone | 750 |
| 11 | Rare Candy | 1000 |
*Note: 1x Rare Candy = +5 Levels
!use [item position] [party position] (!use 11 4) -- Use your item position aka (item_id), "rare candy" for your Pokemon's Party Position.